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How does an Online Football Predictor work?

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Feb 10, 2020

How does an Online Football Predictor work?

How does an online football predictor work?

So, you’ve read about how well the Euro 2021 Football Predictor can work to bring your team together, build communication and even promote your company to potential customers. You’re interested in engaging your colleagues and clients, uniting your team, building bridges and starting conversations. The next question you probably have is just how the Euro 2021 Football Predictor works. The answer couldn’t be simpler.

The basic idea

The aim of the Euro 2021 Football Predictor is to predict (or more accurately, to guess) the correct score in each of the matches of the Euro 2021 football tournament, which takes place across Europe this summer, between 12th June and 12th July. There will be a total of 51 matches featuring 24 teams, and to take part, you simply have to say what you think the result of each match will be. Th player with the most correct predictions will win. It’s as simple as that.

Anyone can play

You don’t need to know much, if anything, about football, because in a single game, almost anything can happen, as England found out when they were beaten by tiny Iceland at the last finals. You can do your research and see the strengths of each side, but it is still anyone’s game on the day.

Whether you are a pin sticker or a pro-analyst, you only need to predict each game before kick-off, so you’ll have plenty of chance to see who is on a roll and where the form teams are, as well as spotting the surprise underdogs. As long as your prediction is logged before the whistle blows to start the game, you’ll be included.

Local, national and international leagues

Once your colleagues or customers have registered for the game and entered their first predictions, the Euro 2021 Football Predictor will take care of the rest. The system will remind them when they need to make their next prediction, as well as letting them know how they did with their last guess. 

You can opt to create a single league for a small company or add sub-divisions within a larger firm. This gives everyone a chance to succeed against their immediate colleagues, as well as the opportunity to bid for glory with the overall title.

All leagues are updated in real time, and players can log in to the Euro 2021 Football Predictor any time to see how they are doing and compare their progress to others in their league.

Quick and easy

We understand how busy you all are, and so we have designed the Euro 2021 Football Predictor to be simple to create, to administer and to play. Our expert programmers have built the system to take care of everything for you. We’ve made it as easy as possible for everyone to take part, to increase participation and build momentum as more and more of your team sign on.

It only takes a couple of minutes a day to make your predictions but the boost it will give to your company will last all tournament and beyond, as your teams start to communicate better and bond over the shared experience.

Get started today

The Euro 2021 finals are just a few short months away, so get started with your Euro 2021 Football Predictor today. Talk to our friendly team today to see just how easy it is to take part.

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